Category Archives: Inspiration Art

Winter Drawings

Two winter drawings I am lucky to have from my Mother, Mary Alice Rogers Wyatt, and her brother, Earl Miles Rogers. Both are in pencil, ink, and chalk.

I thought lovingly of my mother and her brother as I carefully removed their art from the frames to scan. I imagined my grandmother’s pride and joy as she framed and displayed the scenes, side-by-side.

I am committed to keeping them together for as long as I have them. Then, they will fade and crackle into dust of obscurity, leaving an ethereal trail of smiles. I’m okay with that. It is the way.

Friday Love Notes from Colorado

The Trinity

This sweet moment, of seeing raindrops sparkle on an aspen leaf, asked me to consider sharing a simple image. To drop the words – although, here I am collecting and stacking them up again like not-quite-used-up folded paper towels. So I decided to go ahead and share the photo that I call “The Trinity” with plenty of space to honor it’s stand-alone beauty, or if you are curious, to add just a few more words.

Continue reading Friday Love Notes from Colorado

Finding Me

As with all Friday Love messages, I aim to leave room for your own heart experience. With this in mind, I intentionally left the third you in lower case in hopes that you may recall the experience of being found and met… no matter who your “you” may be.

*In this art, my you was my childhood dog, whose name was Puppy, sitting with me at the edge of the hedge while I cried in the middle of the fields. You really can be our pets, our lovers, our friends and our Creator. Love to all, always.