. . . turns Spiritual Companionship.
Much has been written about what a Spiritual Director is, and isn’t.
In my experience, seeking and receiving Spiritual Direction is mostly about following the quiet desire to walk more closely with God.
Spiritual Direction is a Soul Journey
that we walk together.
For some the language of this journey is about listening to the invitations of the Soul; for others it is about finding or building a more authentic intimacy with Christ. And for others, it may mean finding a new way back to the faith of their youth, or stepping courageously to claim and own a new kind of authentic spirituality that embodies what their heart of heart sings as truth, and goodness, and service, and peace.
The paths may look very different. But I’m finding a common thread that runs deep and true when we listen together and answer the yearnings to discover a deepening trust for a God of our understanding. When we get to do this together, by the grace and presence of a loving God, what starts as spiritual direction becomes spiritual companionship of two souls. And what shows up is more creative, more loving, and more expansive than the sum of the two.
My only final watchword
is to pause and pray that all things be revealed
and measured by the light of Christ;
to the exclusion of none
and the eternal love of all.
Please feel free to contact me at theresa@theresawyatt.com if you would like to discuss Spiritual Direction. I am available as a Spiritual Director, trained through the Pecos Benedictine School for Spiritual Direction (Our Lady of Guadalupe Abbey, Pecos, NM) and a member of Spiritual Directors International.
You may also want to visit the SDI World site for more information about “What Is Spiritual Direction” as well as read more about me on the “About Theresa” tab at my blog.
Hi Teresa! It was great to meet you last night. I’ve been reading some of your poetry and loving it. I would love to get together with you sometime. I’m leaving for Santa Fe this coming Thursday and will be back on Sunday eve. I’ll email or message you or call.
I enjoyed meeting you too. I look forward to hearing from you when you get back and send you blessings for a trip of ease and joy to the wonderful lands of New Mexico. God’s speed.