Welcome to this space – a gathering place for the mind, body and soul.

Here’s me, and my husband Les. He’s the tops. He’s what my mother, Mary Alice, called “a keeper”. It took me a few years, and a bunch of loving friends – therapists – many journals and prayers (mine and my mother’s) to “get” what a keeper looks like. How to trust that the good ones are the ones that I want in my boat. He’s been a keeper since 1997 and is better than I deserve.
These are the books that I would take with me to the island (if I had to choose). They include Sherlock Holmes (37 short stories and a complete novel), my Bible (New King James Version – a gift from Elaine and Jim), my Big Book, Christ in You, God Calling (from Dawn, Christmas 1987), a blank journal that my sister Trudy gave me but is too pretty to write in, and my favorite pen from her that ran out of ink years and years ago. And my mp3 player whom I call Patti (for obvious reasons). Patti has few songs; mostly recordings of old radio shows like Jack Benny, or Sherlock Holmes, or “newer” stuff like Jeeves & Wooster. Oh, and a song recorded live from the Trinity Jazz Festival several years ago, When Jesus Spoke. (I’d love to play it for you sometime.)
I can’t fall asleep without Patti. I worry about not having “her” in “the box” (a room in the inevitable nursing home) which should tell you a lot about me and my neurosis. Or of my good planning. In any case, I was grateful when I could give up my Walkman that ate batteries like pretzels.
This is a list of some of my employers (small “e”):
Marketing Life: Pizza Hut, Texas Instruments-International, Bozell & Jacobs, Chart House (Burger King division), Coca-Cola USA
Admin/Accounting Life:CMA, Houston Child Guidance Center, SDT Architects, Westside Montessori School
Entrepreneur: ProfitLine Consulting, SacredSupport
The last two gigs proved to be the most demanding and unrelenting in letting go of mistakes or goals not met, but also (by far) the most rewarding. That’s part of the nature of entrepreuership – the blessing and the curse. I am blessed to now be retired from all of the logos and blessed with desire to go on learning, growing and giving. I think I have an idea of what that looks like – and I like it alot. I’m humbled and grateful every day.
And this is my cat. Everyone has to add a picture of a cat, or dog, or child or two.
The rest of me is littered throughout the blogs in words and sometimes paints, and rarer still – songs. My path has not been the straightest, or most graceful (unless you count having received more grace than I could have ever hoped for); but I have loved, been loved, lost; and hold hope with all my heart that others might find and feel a bit of love in these readings.
My only final watchword is to pause and pray that all things be revealed and measured by the light of Christ; to the exclusion of none and the eternal love of all.

me: author/artist/spiritual director/student/friend/fellow and wife
us: together we are building better relationships with others, ourselves and God
Love this! You are indeed amazing!
Thanks Carrie…you are my first guest on the new site. I’m so glad you came by!
I agree with Carrie!
Thanks Linda, you two are pretty nifty women.
I wish I would write like you do about yourself. Or myself. I don’t know if I could explain who I am or what I am about like you do Theresa. You inspire me!
Thank you Lolly.
Hi baby girl!!!! You are an amazing woman, dear friend!
I don’t suppose I’ve read this part of the blog. Think I saved it for a special day. Today. I love learning more about you, my sweet friend. I think we could all consider what books we would take to the ‘island’ – what few things would satisfy our creature comforts. Of course our heart and soul and memories will always be with us. What would life be without memories. But books! Now that’s another story…..
Hi Theresa- This is a lovely site. I discovered here your painting master pieces, but always knew you and Les to be two lovely giving people! Thanks for spreading the words about the benefits of meditation.
Blessings Theresa
So glad I met you Sunday. I knew you were a kindred soul when we met. I loved reading your meditations in the advent package from church. I decided to google you since you mentioned you have a blog. I love the peace you are sending out to the universe. I am in the midst of finding housing and part-time employment here and once settled will enjoy writing again. Thank you for sharing your gift.
Thank you Theresa, and I too was joyful in our meeting! I look forward to connecting and hearing your song, and pray for your new home and employment to come by God’s grace and power too. And for you in this time of waiting.
You were right! Nice meeting you!!!
We are back in Houston land. What a lovely surprise to see your comment. Wishing you and the gallery and all of the artists well. Your creation added to our Durango experience!