Monthly Archives: November 2020

Moving from Journals to Manuscripts

Emancipation © Theresa Wyatt 2018
This is #3 in the Writers Series of encouragement for folks writing for personal and public purposes. In community we thrive and dare to fly.

Moving from writing in journals to developing manuscripts is what separates the men from the boys, or in my case, my fantasy and reality of becoming an author. Continue reading Moving from Journals to Manuscripts

Soul in the Sand

While walking the deserted beach, I prayed, “Please forgive me, God, for wanting a loved one’s struggle to be over so that she can go on home.”

I knew it wasn’t right of me to ask this. I usually affirm that God’s got this; that God’s timing is perfect; that I can not play God or question what is between God and a soul. But sometimes I slip and ask for mercy as “I” see it—to some degree, having more to do with my pain than theirs.

Continue reading Soul in the Sand


Emancipation © Theresa Wyatt 2018
This is #2 in the Writers Series of encouragement for folks writing for personal and public purposes. In community we thrive and dare to fly.

Joni Mitchell bounces between writing music and painting moods. George W Bush balances statesmanship and painting portraits. Thomas Merton wrote of the contemplative life then showed us with his artistry how loudly a small sketch can shout. I am beginning to understand why creatives move between outlets of expression, and why the creative bounce brings more, not less, of the soul and satisfaction to each effort.

Continue reading Bounce

Give It Away

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Emancipation © Theresa Wyatt 2018
This is the first in the Writers Series of encouragement for folks writing for personal and public purposes. In community we thrive and dare to fly.

“You’ve got to give it away to keep it.” That is what they taught me when I got sober. I am hearing it again now as I walk away from the work of publishing my first book, ROSETEARS, and begin my next project.

This next book is going well. It is easier, I notice, because I now know that writing a book is possible. I can do it. It won’t kill me. And, as much as I wanted to pretend that some amount of work could make it perfect—and minimize potential of appearing the fool—it won’t. But, on the other hand, putting the work in can make the book better—and a reality. Continue reading Give It Away