Monthly Archives: July 2014

Fit to Sit

chairs 3

A few gentle tools are showing up to help me get back to daily meditations.  They feel like a fit to sit.  One is low tech – words on paper from the ages; the other is a new APP.

From an older, treasured book I have rediscovered teachings from Richard J Foster in Celebration of Discipline; in particular his chapter The Discipline of Meditation.  These two passages lift and encourage me to remember that I don’t have to do this alone or rely upon my own flimsy will-power. Continue reading Fit to Sit

Stop thinking, talking, doing, writing and sit.

Clock at Belgium Bridge 2 © twyatt 2014I’ve been thinking alot about meditation lately.  And noticing that I’ve been doing more thinking than meditating.

Yes, I have my quiet time – alone with God, and my books, my journals.  My cat.  And, thankfully I have my weekly twenty minutes with others of like mind.  But somewhere along the way, I’ve fallen away from going to the truly quiet recesses with God, in silence, daily. Continue reading Stop thinking, talking, doing, writing and sit.

To See, to Do, to Be.

Getting into the River 2 © twyatt 2014“When we genuinely believe that inner transformation is God’s work and not ours, we can put to rest our passion to set others straight.”  – Celebration of Discipline by Richard J Foster.

Yep, it’s an inside job.  And I can get there by prayer and meditation if I truly want to make a difference.  In me.  In my responses to the tragedies and sadnesses that are around us.  And step into what God might want me to see, and do, and be in the name of Love.

Minou the Masterful Cat

Minou lounging © twyatt 2014I made a conscious decision to unplug and keep the focus on the inside journey of the soul while attending school at The Abbey in Pecos.  But my writing continued in a plethora of notebooks and journals – recording the events of the day as well as how the Spirit (with a capital S) moved among and through us.  I’ll be posting more of these as they unwind – falling to form the mosaic that I know God created in me, and all of us as one Body of Christ. Continue reading Minou the Masterful Cat