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My five star hotel has heat.

My five star hotel has water – cold and hot! And water to drink and for making soup on the stove.

My five star hotel has two showers. It is a luxury to be so clean.

My five star hotel has flushable toilets and toilet paper. It is an amazing thing.

My five star hotel has food in the pantry, on the table, and in the frig.

My five star hotel has neighbors who share their water and food when we have a temporary condition of not enough.

My five star hotel has my husband who listens with love when I meltdown faster than the snow outside.

My five star hotel has a kitty who freaks when the couch is moved closer to the fireplace but returns to sit on my feet when routines are restored.

My five star hotel is home. Please help me remember to share and to be grateful for the bounty we have.

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