I put paint over an old painting that I have never liked.
I saw the gold showing up and I resisted.
I don’t like it.
I didn’t invite it.
I didn’t plan it or approve it.
I wanted this to be about horizons—trusty, grounding space of infinite colors and defining lines.
I wanted this to be about resilience—the advent word of the day.
Resilience was the assignment.
Get with the program.
Tune into the same channel that everyone else hears.
Don’t miss out.
Don’t miss the miracle.
But, the art took ahold and kept insisting it be art’s way.
Move the brush here.
Then here.
Don’t think.
Just move.
Art doesn’t lie.
It’s over.
I step back.
I see columns of soldiers standing guard.
The strength that I initially denied shows up as endurance—powered by Love, it glistens.
Advent paints new light in old places.