When Jesus Spoke

cropped-Weep-not-for-me-4.jpgThe time is nearing.  No words of mine could possibly better represent this season of standing on the edge of final darkness and eternal light than this performance (included here) of When Jesus Spoke From The Cross (Trinity Episcopal Church, Jazz Fest 2012). Composed by Dave Brubeck in 1989, arranged and performed by Paul English (piano) with David Caceres (Vocals/Saxophone), this song echoes the strength and intimacy of these final days of Christ, the person, amongst his family and friends.  It draws me close to where the pain of losing a loved one is outweighed by the promise and glory of a new life and freedom.

And yet, we weep.

I invite you to listen to what song shreds denial of Jesus as a tender man before God.

When Jesus Spoke From The Cross by Dave Brubeck
When Jesus spoke on the way to Golgotha; as Jesus carried his cross, he told of all of the sorrows to follow, as was all with the cross. Daughters of Jerusalem. Weep not for me but weep for yourselves and for your children; for behold the days are coming in which they will say: Blessed are the barren and the wombs that never bear. Then shall they begin to say to the mountain fall on us, and to the hills cover us, for if they do these things in the green tree what shall be done in the dry? Then Jesus spoke from the cross to his mother saying woman behold thy son; and then he said to the field of disciples: behold thy mother.

It is finished, and he lowered his head, and gave up his soul.

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