It’s official… I am my Mother’s daughter.
I opened my billfold* today to discover an ample supply of toothpicks. Flashback to Mom’s sweet, if not sometimes a bit mangled and torn, stash; always ready for that pesky bit.
I used to be a little disgusted by her hording, and you may be too by my sharing of this discovery in my purse. But I wonder: are you too finding reminders of your parent’s particular quirks sneaking into your own habits, speech, mannerisms?
Some things float from generation to generation; others – not so much. Today this glimpse of Mom was a fun reminder that I am my parent’s child. And today that’s a good thing.
*There is an ongoing discussion in this household as to who has the wallet and who carries the billfold. Just another example of across-the-creek (or is that “crick”) upbringing.