Tag Archives: Scriptures of Love

God’s loving Word made alive in the spirit of our being.

When Jesus Spoke

cropped-Weep-not-for-me-4.jpgThe time is nearing.  No words of mine could possibly better represent this season of standing on the edge of final darkness and eternal light than this performance (included here) of When Jesus Spoke From The Cross (Trinity Episcopal Church, Jazz Fest 2012). Composed by Dave Brubeck in 1989, arranged and performed by Paul English (piano) with David Caceres (Vocals/Saxophone), Continue reading When Jesus Spoke

The Hill Country #2 : Bucking the System

Wimberley View BlueHillscapes.  Sun.  Tea.  Books.  Birdsongs.  And a new location – on the other side of the hill.  Quiet.  It takes a little time to unwind.  I forget that when planning a trip. And sometimes it takes changing our minds and changing our location as we did last night.  It was a good move.

Now the breezes come and go, the small manmade waterfall offers her calming rhythm, the hawks glide overhead on rising currents of warming air, and I think about … how much does the soul weigh? Continue reading The Hill Country #2 : Bucking the System

Living in the Comma of God’s Promise – Preparing for Lent

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Watercolor and mixed media by Theresa Wyatt Prebilsky. You are invited to come and experience all of the artistic, visual expressions of the Stations of the Cross to be on display at Trinity Episcopal Church February 16th through Easter.

The following article is from this month’s The Window of Trinity Church newsletter for Trinity Episcopal Church, Houston.

Living in the Comma of God’s Promise – Preparing for Lent
by Theresa Wyatt Prebilsky

When I was asked again this year to offer an artistic reflection of one of the Stations of the Cross for the Trinity Lent season, I was stumped when assigned the Thirteenth Station.

Since I am not a mother I respectfully questioned if I could truly understand what it might feel like to lose a child under any circumstances, let alone brutally hung on a cross before my very eyes.  I worried that maybe I had been given the wrong station. I searched the internet for previously written text and images associated with the Thirteenth Station, and I seriously considered asking for a different assignment.

But then, going to my Bible, the pages fell open to John 17 where four headings struck me as timely guideposts in preparing for Lent. Continue reading Living in the Comma of God’s Promise – Preparing for Lent

Come Before Winter

I didn’t feel like writing this morning.  I have time so I will. 

Seconds before pen hit page… well no, that’s not right.  While writing the first sentence… no, that’s not right either.  In writing the date at the top of my page, November 3, 2012, I felt the remembrance: not long before Trudy dies, or rather, I sense in this time the echo of her passing.  A cavernous queasiness takes hold of my mind and my heart and my soul.

If I must remember an anniversary this morning I prefer to think of the spring tulips planted for Trudy by Grandpa Wyatt at the little house; beneath the small crabapple tree in the center of the drive, just east of the sidewalk that lead to the front door. Continue reading Come Before Winter