This sweet moment, of seeing raindrops sparkle on an aspen leaf, asked me to consider sharing a simple image. To drop the words – although, here I am collecting and stacking them up again like not-quite-used-up folded paper towels. So I decided to go ahead and share the photo that I call “The Trinity” with plenty of space to honor it’s stand-alone beauty, or if you are curious, to add just a few more words.
Friday Love Notes for the Soul, a small book I published recently, was different from my other books in that it is a collection of meditations in “just a few words” and “a little bit of art.” In this crazy, fun experience of publishing I have discovered that every book is a teacher – to me! And Friday Love Notes gave me courage to find and trust that less can be more.
In it’s unfolding, I answered an invitation to look closer to smaller, simpler images to carry a sentiment. I felt challenged to find the truest and fewest words that I could to share more intimately and authentically about what was showing up in my heart. And I prayed that maybe one offering might stir and companion one person in their own discovery journey of their soul.
In any case, I am grateful for the technical means to reflect what I saw and felt today with you, and this opportunity that Les and I have to be slow. Still. Silent. Cool! And I send Friday love to all.