Category Archives: We Have Work To Do

AMPing-up My Meditation

I needed a way to AMP-up and get accountable to my prayer and meditation practice so I created a little idea of encouragement over at my website. It is simply thinking of the next letter in the alphabet before entering meditation, then going into my practice.

I began today with the letter A. The word ATTITUDE came up, which needs care and attention and improvement. Tomorrow will be B. We will see what B brings. I don’t particularly use the letter or word inside my meditation. I simply use it to keep track of where I am and possibly bring to mind/heart an intention.

If you would like more information on this, visit my website at And, as always, I love hearing about your experiences in the way of connecting with God, ourselves, and others.

All of us meditating, in our own way, together is my idea of fun. Join me if it appeals to you too.

Now, what are we going to do?

Now, let’s ask ourselves the question: how can we fund and provide support for the babies and families where fathers deny/leave without responsibility?

How can we fund and support young mothers and their child who experience delivering a special needs baby, or, generational poverty or are not resourced by family or personal means? How are we to encourage adoption of infants and older American children in need of homes? How can we fund and up our support for mental and educational help for those who are raped by strangers or worse family or friends? (I know this happens…it happened to me at knife-point when I was 27 and a complete stranger broke into my house in the middle of the night. It was the knife or rape. I chose rape.)

Continue reading Now, what are we going to do?

What Freedom Looks Like

A young girl, looking on from the safety of her father’s shoulders, to what freedom looks like.

About this women’s march… I went. And I’m glad I did. And apparently, a whole bunch of others did too. But here’s the thing: I really struggled with my decision to go.

I had to get to my own reasons and motives. I needed to pray for God’s idea for me and talk with friends. And when I did, I started owning that I was afraid, and worried that my walking might endorse un-peaceful protest which I am very much against. I worried that my showing up would look like full endorsement of some beliefs that I do not hold, and, here’s the really embarrassing part, I worried about what people might think of me.

At 62, still worrying about other’s disapproval. Continue reading What Freedom Looks Like