Tag Archives: Sister Love

Morning Time Visitor

Twelve years ago at this time, I was at my sweet sister’s bedside as she lived her way to heaven.

Each year at this time, I am flooded with such an array of feelings and memories. They are gifts and, still, Trudy is teaching me. The first and greatest from that tender time of Rosetears was: Love is eternal. Time has added that Love may possibly be made even stronger by time and absence of physical evidence.

Today’s sweet cardinal appearing just outside my window represents a new freedom, if not command, that I have been given: live the life you have. In some ways, I feel I have finally caught up with my past in a way that I can more fully live my present. I think this is grace.

But, most of all, it’s still and always about Love. And there is always enough to go around.

I wish you well, with love.

The Gap

Every once in a while there’s a gap.

A craving I cannot name.

An itch I cannot scratch.

I sit,

scrolling on my phone,

searching for books or a new tv series to begin, but, eventually,

and inevitably,

I slip back into a motionless stare that I don’t even recognize until

the stove timer dings, and,

there it is again.

The gap.

The gap between us.

The impermanent curtain hanging between flesh and spirit,

between here and There.

It’ll pass. It always does.

Note: This came out of a moment, or hour?, of staring into the infinite horizon of sky and earth. Initially, I thought I was missing my sister. Of calling her. With no particular need. Just a chat. But, as words came to page, I sensed it is also appropriate for this time of waiting in the season of Lent. Shared with love, and hope too.

The Pecos Heart

I’ve worn these boots to walk the Pecos path for over ten years. Today I thanked and retired them.

It’s fitting that they fell apart on this trip as I also let go of Trudy’s tree – a tree I deemed and decorated as Trudy’s tree on my first visit to Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery, All Saints Day, October 2012. Imagine my shock when I discovered that someone had cut it down!

Continue reading The Pecos Heart


Reflecting on a day of self-directed pilgrimage to Lisieux, France, and the spaces where St Therese grew up, prayed, became a Carmelite, and died at the early age of 24.

So many statues, chapels and shrines, mosaics and gilded edges, and this is the one that draws me in. Just a damp, cold corner in one of the side chapels in Lisieux Cathedral – the church where St Therese and her family worshipped before she entered the convent at age 15.

Don’t get me wrong, I am grateful to be here, but somehow “the show” pales against the story of her life as she shared with us in The Story of a Soul.

These are a few of her words that still speak louder to me, and with more love than what the finest of architects or Popes can display.

– I am your sister and your friend. Forever I’ll watch over you.

– Have confidence in the infinite mercy of the Good God.

– An amiable smile often suffices to make a sad soul bloom.

The Basilica of Saint Therese, Lisieux, France
Saint Peter’s Cathedral, Lisieux, France

Earth Day 2023

Earth Day. Trudy’s birthday.

I tried not to think too much about today and it being Trudy’s birthday and fittingly, Earth Day. But too many mystical tugs and sweet remembrances from friends made it impossible for me to not write about the beauty of Trudy and the beauty of our Earth.

Continue reading Earth Day 2023


Butterfly by Trudy Ann WyattBy God’s grace and a bunch of really good people right here, I am standing in the sunshine of gratitude.  And today can be about celebrating Trudy and the many gifts she shared with us.

Including one of her butterflies that’ll I’ll share with you.  And a poem shared with me by a friend earlier this week.

Live life, love and have fun. I am pretty sure this is what Trudy would like for me to do.  With love.  Today. Continue reading Today