Category Archives: LENT

The Gap

Every once in a while there’s a gap.

A craving I cannot name.

An itch I cannot scratch.

I sit,

scrolling on my phone,

searching for books or a new tv series to begin, but, eventually,

and inevitably,

I slip back into a motionless stare that I don’t even recognize until

the stove timer dings, and,

there it is again.

The gap.

The gap between us.

The impermanent curtain hanging between flesh and spirit,

between here and There.

It’ll pass. It always does.

Note: This came out of a moment, or hour?, of staring into the infinite horizon of sky and earth. Initially, I thought I was missing my sister. Of calling her. With no particular need. Just a chat. But, as words came to page, I sensed it is also appropriate for this time of waiting in the season of Lent. Shared with love, and hope too.

The Pecos Heart

I’ve worn these boots to walk the Pecos path for over ten years. Today I thanked and retired them.

It’s fitting that they fell apart on this trip as I also let go of Trudy’s tree – a tree I deemed and decorated as Trudy’s tree on my first visit to Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery, All Saints Day, October 2012. Imagine my shock when I discovered that someone had cut it down!

Continue reading The Pecos Heart

NEW Release: The St. Francis Prayer Discovery Journal

The St. Francis Prayer Discovery Journal is an interactive meditation and journaling workbook centered around the St. Francis Prayer.

This discovery journal invites prayer, meditation, journaling, and discovery of the twelve prayers for personal peace within the prayer we have come to cherish as the St. Francis Prayer. This meditation practice can be entered as part of a traditional liturgical season such as Advent or Lent, or over any period of days in personal or small group spiritual retreats.

This contemplative workbook offers gentle prompts and space for journaling as you explore new and possibly more personal perspectives of the St. Francis Prayer.

By the conclusion of the meditations, you will have personally encountered all twelve petitions for peace found in the prayer, and hopefully will have discovered a deeper and more loving experience of being in—or being—a channel of God’s peace.

Available now at

For More information about this or other offerings by Theresa, visit Sacred Support Publishing.

When Jesus Spoke

cropped-Weep-not-for-me-4.jpgThe time is nearing.  No words of mine could possibly better represent this season of standing on the edge of final darkness and eternal light than this performance (included here) of When Jesus Spoke From The Cross (Trinity Episcopal Church, Jazz Fest 2012). Composed by Dave Brubeck in 1989, arranged and performed by Paul English (piano) with David Caceres (Vocals/Saxophone), Continue reading When Jesus Spoke

The Hill Country #3 : Enjoy The View

Stairs to Mount Baldy 2014 VerticalThere’s nothing like walking up 218 steps, to 1,182′ elevation, to get the blood flowing.  As I huffed and puffed and looked around from way up there (I know, I know – not much of an impressive elevation outside of Texas), I said some prayers for a few folks who I know are struggling.  After all, it is called Prayer Mountain (as well as Mount Baldy).

But in short order my mind drifted to just looking at the horizons and earth’s blanket of sprouting greens and bush, and I heard a simpler calling to just enjoy the view.  This is prayer, and sometimes, like now, appreciation for God’s work and wonder is the best prayer of all.